PHP dealing with commas in CSV data

Dealing with commas in CSV

Look carefully the data, there are multiple commas ‘,’ inside the address field. When transform the data to array, the output will be each commas separated in one array value.
Example: (wrong way)

$data = 'Hyatt Regency Marina,"1441 Quivira Road, San Diego, California, USA, 92109",+1 619 224 1234';
$linearray = explode(',',$data );
    [0] => Hyatt Regency Marina
    [1] => "1441 Quivira Road
    [2] =>  San Diego
    [3] =>  California
    [4] =>  USA
    [5] =>  92109"
    [6] => +1 619 224 1234

Don’t attempt to do this with a regular expression. Just use str_getcsv()! The third parameter informs str_getcsv() to look for quote-enclosed fields.
Example: (correct way

$data = 'Hyatt Regency Marina,"1441 Quivira Road, San Diego, California, USA, 92109",+1 619 224 1234';
$linearray = str_getcsv($data, ",", '"');
    [0] => Hyatt Regency Marina
    [1] => 1441 Quivira Road, San Diego, California, USA, 92109
    [2] => +1 619 224 1234

By Keenlio, November 12, 2014

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