PHP how to destroy session id

April 14, 2014

The unset() function is used to free the specified session variable: or better catch

Javascript how to alert view array or object

April 14, 2014

Easiest way is using .toSource() alert(arrayObj.toSource());

Remove CSS attribute with jQuery

April 14, 2014

Example to remove a style attribute from html code

GIT Bash

April 14, 2014

To view original repository: $ git remote show origin To push the repo to remote master $ git push origin master To branch a repo after clone Clone repo: $ git clone <repository_url> List all branches: $ git branch -a Create new branch locally: $ git branch new_branch_name Push new branch to remote origin repository […]

CSS align an element center within a div

April 14, 2014

Assume: There are few ways to achieve it: OR OR IE8 OR OR Css 3 (note that IE not support CSS3 fully) For more reference:

jQuery get id of last div inside a div

April 8, 2014

The correct way to get the id of the last child div inside parent container using jQuery: Or

PHP check if a string is JSON

April 7, 2014

Simple method will be: This method doesn’t rely on heuristics, uses native php functionality, and is about as future-proof as you’re gonna get; it just tells you straight up whether there were any errors in decoding the string.

CSS mouver Hover border change

April 7, 2014

This should be the easiest thing to do. Tested it in Chrome, IE, and FF and it worked. Just add additional class to your css and you will get the “:hover” effect. Change the colors to suit your needs. Example: Make sure that “border: none;” isn’t specified anywhere else.

Ubuntu check PHP and mysql version

April 7, 2014

From command line: php -v mysql -V or php -i | grep -i ‘^libxml’

PHP html entity decode UTF-8 encoding

April 7, 2014

For a multilanguage site, using html_entity_decode without encoding type is risky to your website as in some cases, the translated language show weird characters. In version of php prior to 5.4.0, if encoding omitted, default encoding value is ISO-8859-1, and UTF-8 auto set only from PHP 5.4.0 Constant Name Description ENT_COMPAT Will convert double-quotes and […]