jQuery get id of last div inside a div

April 8, 2014

The correct way to get the id of the last child div inside parent container using jQuery: Or

jQuery check if element exist

March 17, 2014

To check the length of the selector, if it returns you something then the element exists else not exist. Use:

jQuery get checkbox value

March 12, 2014

You can I get a checkbox’s value in jQuery like this if you have set a class or id for it Without id For some reason: •$(‘#checkbox’).val() always returns on •$(‘#checkbox’).is(‘checked’) always returns false But, Returns the right checkbox state. Other way of retrieving checkbox’s value is

jQuery remove validation rules by event

March 12, 2014

You could use the rules(‘remove’) method to remove your rules dynamically. Something like this on any event. Use rules(‘add’) method to add the rules back just before submit example:

How to convert php array to javascript array

March 11, 2014

You can convert php arrays into javascript using php’s json_encode()* function: Example: To use the array, remember do JSON.parse(): To use the array, jquery $.each is easy to loop and retrieve the information:

jQuery find thead element of a table

March 5, 2014

Use .find() Hide a thead element after found: Remove a thead element after found

jQuery datepicker to show month and year only

February 21, 2014

In reporting specially, datepicker with month and year only are a better way to provide information to form for submission without need of the day. In my case, I modified one picker $( “#month” ).datepicker to fill both month and year input field

jQuery call same on click function of elements having same ids

February 17, 2014

You cannot have multiple ID’s in your HTML markup. It would be an invalid markup. When querying for $(‘#foobar’) and there are five elements which have that id, you would only get the first instance. So even if there would be a way (…) to apply code to all of those nodes, don’t do it. […]

jquery add overlay layer to a div or body

January 21, 2014

First create the css properties for the overlay layer:  

jQuery datePicker enable select past dates

January 14, 2014

How to enable the past dates of jQuery inline datePicker? You need to make sure that the minDate option is null. example: Full example: